Depression and anxiety are at an all-time high. Between 20 and 30 March 2020 almost half (49.6%) of people in the UK reported high anxiety and average anxiety scores were 5.2 out of 10, ‘a marked increase’ from 3.0 in the last quarter of 2019. That was of course in direct relation to COVID – now, on top of that, we’ve got unfathomable hikes in energy prices, distressing wars world-wide, cost of living crisis…Anxiety is still the number 1 reason customers turn to us for CBD help. We need to find ways to get our stress in check. Not only because symptoms of anxiety and other anxiety-related conditions, such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety disorder, feel pretty terrible – but because they’re having a serious impact on physical aspects of our health.
Sharing a cup of CBD tea and talking through our issues can reduce stress two-fold
How does depression & anxiety impact health?
There are many studies exploring the impact of stress on body function, research which has informed articles as this from Medical News Today, outlining a wide range of physical symptoms triggered by anxiety, including changing the activity of the endocrine system (even a minimal amount of stress can activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), delivering a massive blow to the immune system and even changing DNA.
The findings of this research highlights how chronic stress accelerates aging, damaging cells and DNA, causing inflammation, mitochondrial function and cellular senescence (inability to divide and therefore age instead of replicate).
With all this in mind, it’s clear that finding ways to treat anxiety and manage stress should be considered vitally important. It’s quite literally a matter of survival.
Not all stress is equal
Speaking of survival, it’s worth noting that stress isn’t always a bad thing – it can actually have some health benefits. Originally, stress (more specifically, the fight or flight response) kept us alive – helping to protect us from the impending threat of a wild animal in our hunter gatherer days, even lending us super-human strength, speed and a will to live when we needed it most.
Today, there’s not much call for this, but the fight or flight response remains in-built to human physiology. Even now, there are certain types of stress that can be beneficial, known as eustress, which you can gain access to via activities such as competitive sports and sex – we’re animals at our core, after all.
This form of stress actually helps to promote the ‘birth’ of new neurons, improving memory, helping us complete challenging workouts and boosting inspiration, motivation and flow. But, when our survival instinct is triggered in a traumatic situation (acute stress) or kept in constant activation via chronic (prolonged) stress and there’s no completion to the event (a fight, or a flight) we’re kept in a cycle of perpetual fear, stress, depression and anxiety.
So, the ‘wrong’ kind of stress is bad for us – what can we do about it?
Eating a healthy diet, low in sugar, refined carb, high in vitamins, minerals and fibre goes a long way. Vitamin B5 (found in mushrooms, fish, whole grains, lentils and soybeans to name a few) is well known for helping to regulate adrenal glands (which release cortisol) and serotonin levels. Regular exercise and practice mindfulness can also go a long way, as can certain supplements, like functional mushrooms, adaptogens and CBD oil.
CBD capsules are a convenient and easy way to add CBD to your daily supplement routine
CBD oil for anxiety: Can CBD help manage stress?
Anecdotally, millions of people say CBD products help them enormously when it comes to keeping stress and anxiety under control. Many even claim they use CBD oil or CBD Patches to treat anxiety, or they use CBD for depression, sometimes even replacing prescription medications. Now, during National Stress Awareness Month, we hope to impart a little wisdom as to what the science says.
First of all, while THC (the main psychoactive molecule in the cannabis plant, which The Tonic CBD oil is derived from) is widely used for stress relief, that’s not legal here over a miniscule 0.2% (unless on prescription) – so, we won’t be delving into that today. However, there are over 140 other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant (including CBD), as well as terpenes and flavonoids, all of which bring something to the table.
Given that CBD (cannabidiol) is the most abundant cannabinoid in CBD oil, we’ll take a look at how CBD works.
Discover the best CBD products for stress and anxiety
Does CBD boost serotonin levels?
Incredibly, the effects of CBD alone are far-reaching. It directly activates serotonin receptors (an action which increases serotonin levels) – something which is understood to provide mood boosting effects, among many others. Prescriptions medications called SSRIs, commonly offered to patients suffering from depression and anxiety, also elevate serotonin, but sometimes alongside unpleasant side effects.
Effects of CBD: Stress and the Endocannabinoid System
Cannabidiol also (perhaps most famously) has a unique interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a physiological system made up of receptors and neurotransmitters called ‘endocannabinoids’, which works to keep all bodily processes in balance. While CBD doesn’t directly activate the ECS (THC and CBG do), it does support it, by inhibiting the enzyme that’s released to break down endocannabinoids. This results in higher levels of endocannabinoids in the body, which is associated with feelings of ‘bliss’ and helps the body regain or maintain equilibrium.
One of these endocannabinoids, Anandamide (affectionately known as the bliss molecule) is vitally important when it comes to keeping stress at bay. Unfortunately, world renowned cannabis researcher, Dr Ethan Russo, and many other cannabinoid experts, believe that chronic stress can deplete our naturally produced endocannabinoids to the point where it’s possible to suffer from an ‘endocannabinoid deficiency’. When our endocannabinoids are depleted, just about anything can go wrong in the body, compounded by the fact that Anandamide acts sort of like a gate-keeper for stress. When Anandamide levels are healthy, it can relay information to the brain, letting it know that there’s no need for the fight or flight response. Without it, there’s nothing to prevent that cascade and the fallout that ensues. While levels remain low, there’s nothing to stop that process and so on and on it goes.
Fortunately, one of the many benefits of CBD is that, through supporting the ECS, it can help bring those levels back up. Once they’re up, stress is much more easily managed.
When will you feel the benefits of CBD?
While some people who use CBD do notice the effects immediately, it’s more common that it takes a little time – particularly if you are suffering from chronic stress and, therefore, potentially an endocannabinoid deficiency. To get the best results, take regular doses of CBD, building up the amount you take gradually until you find the dose that suits you best. By microdosing (taking a small amount a few times a day), you can steadily accumulate cannabinoids (and endocannabinoids) over time, which will help your body cope with stress as it arises and, hopefully, minimise what stresses you out in the first place.
Try the best CBD products for anxiety and depression
Anxiety is the number one reason we see people turn to CBD for help, so you are certainly not alone. We can guide you on your CBD journey to find the right product and dose that brings you the sense of calm you are yearning. Contact us here, and we’ll take it from there.
All our Oral CBD Oils are great for calming the nervous system and helping a busy brain focus. And the ones we’ve curated here are all excellent.
Why are our CBD Oils more effective than any other? We only ever use Full Spectrum CBD, the highest quality available from the plant, plants which are organically grown and processed in its entirety, tip to root, ensuring the oil retains all the cannabinoid compounds available. This way, you get the greatest efficacy with the smallest dose. The method we use to extract the oil from the plant is called the CO2 method, using low temperature and pressure – it’s the most clean and effective way.
It helps in two main ways:
Increases Serotonin Levels – Incredibly, the effects of CBD alone are far-reaching. It directly activates serotonin receptors (an action which increases serotonin levels) – something which is understood to provide mood boosting effects, among many others. Prescription medications called SSRIs, commonly offered to patients suffering from depression and anxiety, also elevate serotonin, but sometimes alongside unpleasant side effects.
Encourages the Production of Endocannabinoids – Cannabidiol also (perhaps most famously) has a unique interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a physiological system made up of receptors and neurotransmitters called ‘endocannabinoids’, which works to keep all bodily processes in balance. While CBD doesn’t directly activate the ECS (THC and CBG do), it does support it, by inhibiting the enzyme that’s released to break down endocannabinoids. This results in higher levels of endocannabinoids in the body, which is associated with feelings of ‘bliss’ and helps the body regain or maintain equilibrium.
One of these endocannabinoids, Anandamide (affectionately known as the bliss molecule) is vitally important when it comes to keeping stress at bay. Unfortunately, world renowned cannabis researcher, Dr Ethan Russo, and many other cannabinoid experts, believe that chronic stress can deplete our naturally produced Endocannabinoids to the point where it’s possible to suffer from an ‘Endocannabinoid Deficiency’. When our Endocannabinoids are depleted, just about anything can go wrong in the body, compounded by the fact that Anandamide acts sort of like a gate-keeper for stress. When Anandamide levels are healthy, it can relay information to the brain, letting it know that there’s no need for the fight or flight response. Without it, there’s nothing to prevent that cascade and the fallout that ensues. While levels remain low, there’s nothing to stop that process and so on and on it goes.
Fortunately, one of the many benefits of CBD is that, through supporting the ECS, it can help bring those levels back up. Once they’re up, stress is much more easily managed.
CBD Oil has proved very effective in helping people lower anxiety levels and manage stress by calming the nervous system. This in turn can help with sleep, an issue which often goes hand in hand with anxiety. You can read more in our blog here.
Start with a low to mid concentration like 3% to 8% and 1 to 2 doses a day. You should be looking at 6mg to 12mg a dose at first
Look for full spectrum ideally to ensure the entourage effect, but for more economical forms of CBD, Broad Spectrum or CBD Isolate will still help with anxiety – look at our 8% Classic CBD Oil, 4% Water Soluble CBD or our CBD Patches
You need to get a CBD that’s taken orally or transdermal, as opposed to topical forms like creams and balms
When it comes to CBD dosage for anxiety, we are all unique and respond slightly differently to CBD than the next person, so it’s essential to trust in the ‘start low and slow’ dosage theory. We always recommend you start with 1 to 2 doses (around 12 to 24mg CBD) a day and work up gradually ONLY if you feel you need to. Because of the quality of our oils you may find that 12 to 24mg a day is plenty.
There might be very few side effects from taking CBD. It’s very rare, but in a handful of cases people have experienced increased anxiety with CBD. The trick here is to actually increase your dosage for a short time until this settles. After 2 or 3 days your system will have settled and be responding well to the CBD, and a sense of calm will be achieved. If not, get in touch – we will help you on your journey.
As with most situations, the better the quality the better the result. Full Spectrum CBD Oil is best for anxiety and works out much more cost effective in the long run.
“I bought the 4% water soluble and the cleansing blossom tea, which is delicious and soothing. Both products are helping take the edge off my anxiety and helping me sleep better.” – Fiona
“WOW !!…these products are truly amazing, after suffering from anxiety for some years I was willing to try anything, along with the tools I learned from CBT, and a little shot of 8% water soluble CBD, my thoughts are definitely more realistic, the serum helps with my painful knees and I love to end my day with a cup of the CBD tea. Such kind and honest girls who are always in hand to help with any questions I may have, I just can’t rate this company enough” – Debs
“The Tonic products are outstanding quality as is the customer care which is second to none. I use a variety of the products – 8% water soluble to help with general anxiety, low mood and to help dropping off to sleep. I use the patches for localised lower back pain as it’s been particularly bad just recently. And I regularly enjoy a cup of CBD tea, as a treat and again to help with mood issues. All the items I use work really well. They have made such a difference to the quality of my life and I now class them as essential to day-to-day living. Don’t know how I managed before” – Liz
Any good quality CBD oil will help with anxiety – it’s one of the main superpowers of CBD. Always make sure you check the legitimacy of the brand, check for lab reports and if in doubt call them up and speak to someone for advice. The most effective, and in turn cost effective CBD, is always full spectrum. Because of the wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavinoids working in synergy, you get a much greater effect with less oil than you would with Broad Spectrum or CBD Isolates (usually oils made by mixing the one cannabinoid, ‘Cannabidiol’, with a carrying oil like coconut oil. Pointless if you ask me!).
Taking CBD sublingually means taking the oil by dropping or spraying beneath your tongue, rather than swallowing straight down. This is to ensure maximum absorption. You have a sublingual membrane beneath your tongue through which the CBD can travel directly into your bloodstream. If you just swallow traditional CBD oil you will only absorb 5% to 20% of the CBD oil. Our Water Soluble CBD is different and designed to be ingested so you can take our 4% or 8% Water Soluble CBD any which way and still absorb almost 100% of the CBD content.