CBD Oil – common questions
What is CBD oil?

Think of CBD as a food supplement derived from a pure plant extract. Like many other plant-based remedies, it is incredibly effective. But unlike many, CBD can help regulate a vast array of physical and mental functions.

Even though it seems like CBD is something new, it has been used by humans since the dawn of civilisation. Cannabinoids are natural compounds found in hemp, aka Cannabis Sativa L, a plant that has been utilised for centuries for its health benefits.

The Tonic’s CBD is perfectly safe and legal. Ours is triple tested, grown organically and is only ever extracted using the most effective and safe method, using high pressure and low temperatures.

All our products, apart from the CBD Patches, are made from full spectrum CBD Oil.

There are three types of CBD on the market. Full spectrum is the highest quality and most effective. It’s made from the entire plant, tip to root, ensuring it contains as many beneficial compounds as the plant can provide. Not just the full array of cannabinoids*, but flavinoids and terpenes too – terpenes, like curcumin, which is also found in tumeric. All these cannabinoids, terpenes and flavinoids work together to provide a synergistic effect. Broad spectrum is the next next level down, made from parts of the plant and has certain cannabinoids like THC extracted. Then there is CBD isolate, also referred to as ‘pure’ CBD. The most prevalent cannabinoid, Cannabidiol, has been extracted from the CBD Oil, and is presented as a white powder. This is used in our CBD Patches and most CBD drinks available to buy today.

*the most common being CBD cannabidiol, CBG cannabigerol, CBN cannabinol and trace amounts of THC Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

Cannabis is predominantly associated with the cannabinoid THC (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol) – it’s the one that gets you high. And it’s the one which is only seen in ‘trace’ amounts of hemp, unlike other cannabis strains. Because of its psychoactive properties, THC is a controlled substance and illegal in the UK. Full Spectrum CBD products in the UK must contain no more than 2mg of THC per container, no matter the size of the container. Non-Full Spectrum CBD products must contain no more than 1mg THC per container.

CBD is believed to be responsible for most of the wellbeing benefits of the cannabis plant, and new benefits are being discovered all the time.

CBD oil benefits
The benefits of taking CBD are wide and varied. This is because the Endocannabinoid Receptors reside in the Nervous System, Endocrine (hormone) System, Muscle and Skin Cells and certain areas of the Brain.

It has been reported that CBD can help with lowering anxiety, deepening sleep, easing pain, clearing brain fog and help with focus, help with depression, addictive tendencies and much, much more. We do not promote CBD to do any of these things and we always recommend you search the internet for ‘specific issues + CBD’.

CBD oil effects and side effects
Many associate cannabis with the psychoactive effects like dizziness, drowsiness and excessive hunger, but that is down to the compound THC, which is not only a controlled substance in the UK, but also naturally very, very low in quantity in the Cannabis Sativa L strain that we use for our CBD (also known as industrial hemp).

CBD is actually a very subtle worker, so quite often people do not realise there has been an effect on their system until they realise they haven’t noticed a particular pain for a while, or that their sleep has improved. Side effects are very rare and I have only witnessed two in five years of running the Tonic; over stimulation and active bowel movements. The former is eased very quickly by actually increasing the CBD intake temporarily and balance in the system will resume. The latter is due to the Herxing Effect, which is a detox and therefore isn’t a bad thing, but again will pass quickly and is helped along by increasing water intake.

Can you get organic CBD oil in the uk?
All our CBD products are organic. CBD Oil is grown organically, outside, in Europe. The carrying oil we use in our Classic CBD Oils is organic hemp seed oil. Our CBD creams, balms and serums are made up of organic ingredients and we are also registered with the Vegan Society.
Where can I buy CBD oil?
If it’s your first time buying CBD oil, it’s best to speak to CBD experts about which product and what dosage is most suitable for you. We offer a free consultation service face to face at our shop in Hebden Bridge, over email, telephone or Zoom – whatever is best for you.

Buying CBD online can be confusing as there are many different retailers and brands and it can be tricky knowing who to trust. Getting yourself clued up on the different grades (or quality) of CBD oil, the concentrations and varying formulas and types can help your decision making. And always ask to see Lab reports if they are not available on the website. If you want to know more about what is CBD all about, click the previous link.

How to take CBD oil?

Traditional CBD oil is taken sublingually. This means placing the oil under your tongue and holding it there for a minute or 2. The sublingual membrane allows the oil to pass through and into the bloodstream. CBD is absorbed at a rate of 50% to 80% this way. If you were to swallow traditional CBD oil directly or take in food or drink, the absorption rate is drastically reduced to around 4% to 20%. This is why we created the unique Full Spectrum Water Soluble CBD – no matter how you take it you always absorb the maximum CBD content. Learn more on how to take CBD.

When is the best time to take CBD and how long does CBD last?
The best time to take CBD is when it best suits you. There’s a few things to consider when working out the best time for you; the type of CBD you are taking, how fast it effects you, and what symptoms/causes you are taking it for.

Classic CBD Oil taken sublingually – it’s in your bloodstream anywhere between 20 minutes to 2 hours, and lasts around 6 to 8 hours depending on the individual.

The Tonic’s Water Soluble CBD – it’s in your bloodstream in 20 to 30 minutes and lasts 6 to 8 hours.

CBD Patches are transdermal and therefore slow releasing, so you’ll have a few mg of CBD supplied at a steady rate into your blood stream over a 24 to 36 hour period. These are the longest lasting forms of CBD.

Edibles like CBD Gummies are the slowest to reach your bloodstream, but again it’s different person to person – expect to feel effects after 1 to 3 hours.

CBD Vape is as fast as our Water Soluble CBD to enter the bloodstream via the lungs, but stays in your system for the shortest period, usually between 1 to 2 hours.

With this information in mind, you will then want to consider what you are taking it for and how fast and for how long you need the effect to last. Here are some examples; for deeper sleep, take an oral classic CBD Oil or Water Soluble CBD at the time you go to bed. This way the effects last through the night. To keep anxiety at bay throughout the day, either an oral CBD oil or CBD patches (stronger for higher stress or those less susceptible to CBD).

CBD oil UK reviews

Here are some reviews on our CBD Products to see what our customers are saying:

“Amazing product! I would just like to say how amazing this product is…I’m 34 and I was diagnosed with cancer, it turned my world upside down. This oil is helping me mentally get through it. I couldn’t sleep or eat because of fear that I would either die in my sleep or eat something that would feed cancer (ridiculous but it was so real to me). Thanks to these lovely people speaking to us and listening, I now can watch commercials (mentioning cancer) without having panic attack.

I can now eat, sleep and function relatively normally (under the circumstances). I see now how precious life is and how short it could be, I hope the fact I’m taking time to rate this product shows how fabulous it really is. Thank you the tonic tribe. P.s it really helps menopause symptoms too” – LUCY about Classic CBD Oil

“You know when you’re blown away by product quality, tailored advice and unsurpassed customer service and you think, blimey, I’m going to write a review and then months go merrily by, possibly because the magical 25% CBD oil, the super chilling CBD Infused Tea and the luxurious CBD body face & body cream are doing their jobs and you think oh my god I still haven’t written that review?? No?? Just me then. Thank you Tonic Tribe xx” – REBECCA about Classic CBD Oil

“I use the 8% CBD oil from The Tonic Tribe. Love this CBD oil. Great company to deal with, always helpful and very friendly” – AMANDA

“I’ve been using CBD from The Tonic for over a year. First of all, you always get excellent customer service, they are friendly and personable and always happy to help if you have any questions. Products are always packaged beautifully.

I use CBD to help with IBS symptoms. I originally used the 8% Classic CBD Oil then changed to 8% Water Soluble as it has more anti inflammatory properties, I use it every day and along with dietary changes my symptoms are under control. I wouldn’t be without it now. Definitely recommend the tonic for the quality of their products along with excellent service” – REBECCA ABRAMS

For more reviews you can check our Trust Pilot page or contact us.

Does CBD oil get you high?
The Tonic CBD will not get you high as we adhere to the UK legal levels of THC, which is 0.2mg or 0.02% per container. This micro amount is called ‘trace’ amounts and are so miniscule they would never be detected by you or a drugs test. So whether CBD Oil gets you high or not, depends on the levels of THC in the CBD Oil. Different countries have different laws on levels of THC so it’s worth being aware of this when buying CBD from the U.S. has some states have legalised THC, so there are no restrictions. Be especially cautious when buying CBD Gummies.

THC is a compound which resides in the Cannabis plant alongside many other compounds like CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), CBDA and all the terpenes and flavinoids – individually, they all have their special powers, but together is when the magic really happens. This is why we produce Full Spectrum CBD Oil and not CBD Isolate or Broad Spectrum.

Does CBD oil work?
To find out how CBD works, don’t take our word for it – read real life reviews from our customers:

“I have been really struggling with joint issues related to my cancer drugs. I phoned for advice which was really helpful as there are so many options you can purchase and I found it confusing. The chat I had was really informative. I felt a difference after 4 days of using the Classic CBD oil. My joint issues are reduced and I am not having to take so many painkillers” – HEATHER MATTHEWS about Classic CBD Oil

“CBD Oil that works and knowledgeable people” – TONI ROSE

“One delivery in and I love The Tonic and would highly recommend their products. I bought the 4% Water Soluble and the Cleansing Blossom CBD Infused Tea, which is delicious and soothing. Both products are helping take the edge off and helping me sleep better. Even my sceptical partner who has been very stressed out with work says that they are definitely helping him too. Everything about the Tonic, including their packaging and handwritten note, shows caring and quality, and I feel very lucky to have found them” – FIONA KOLEK

“WOW…These products are truly amazing, after suffering from anxiety for some years I was willing to try anything, along with the tools I learned from CBT, and a little shot of 8% Water Soluble CBD, my thoughts are definitely more realistic. The 2% Miracle Serum helps with my knees and I love to end my day with a cup of the CBD Tea. Such kind and honest people who are always on hand to help with any questions I may have, just can’t rate this company enough” – DEB WICKENS

You can find more on our Trust Pilot page

What's the difference between cbd and hemp oil?
CBD and Hemp oil are the same thing really – in the UK the plant we can legally process CBD from is the Cannabis Sativa L strain of cannabis, also known as Industrial Hemp. It is naturally very low in THC and high in essential cannabinoids.
What's the difference between cbd oil and hemp seed oil?
Hemp Seed Oil is something else entirely different to hemp oil and is NOT CBD oil. It is made from the seeds of industrial hemp and contains no cannabinoids, but is jam packed with vitamin E and omega 3 and 6, so it still has its own health properties.
Best CBD oil on the market?
The Tonic is of course the best CBD on the market! We are all about providing the best possible product with the best customer care. All our CBD products are from organically grown cannabis sativa l plants, grown outdoors in Europe. We use the most clean and effective method of extracting the CBD oil from the plant to ensure the best quality.
How do you use CBD oil?

Traditional CBD oil is best taken ‘sublingually’, which means placing the oil beneath your tongue, holding it there for up to 2 minutes ideally, to allow the CBD to travel through the sublingual membrane and into the bloodstream.

But there are many different ways to take CBD – Transdermal CBD Patches, CBD Tea, CBD Cream and Balms, Edible CBD, so the way to use CBD differs.

Does CBD oil need THC to work?

No, CBD oil does not need THC to work, but it certainly helps! Good quality full spectrum CBD will contain trace amounts of THC and together with all the many cannabinoids, terpenes and flavinoids these compounds work in synergy for the best effect possible. The better the quality the less you need to take, so spending a little more actually goes a lot further than many of the cheap options, like CBD isolate infused oils and broad spectrums.

CBD oil for beauty
CBD can enhance beauty products in many ways. Adding CBD oil to a cream can increase the anti-wrinkle properties as CBD increases elasticity in skin. For skin maintenance and repairing scars or acne or eczema, CBD promotes healing in damaged skin. CBD also helps the skin retain its natural flora and is anti-bacterial so very good for cuts, grazes. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, so bruising and other swellings can be eased by applying CBD. Massage oils infused with CBD Oil can be particularly effective in reducing stress as some of the CBD will enter the bloodstream

Taking CBD & dosage

What dosage do I need and how to take it?

Head to our CBD info page and scroll down to ‘Dosage and How to Take It’ for a thorough explanation.

Which product is best for me?

It all depends on your personal preference so that is why we offer free consultations for this very reason, to help you make an informed choice. We are not medically trained to discuss ailments, symptoms or give medicinal advice. We encourage everyone to research their symptoms and CBD for themselves too.

Can I take CBD with medication?

Always consult your doctor if you are on regular medication before taking CBD.

We suggest you leave a 2 hour gap between taking your medication and your CBD. If you are taking medication for heart conditions or blood thinners, leave a 4 hour gap.

Avoid consuming grapefruit or derivatives of, when taking CBD as it can increase or inhibit the effects.

Can you give CBD to children?

Yes, it is perfectly safe, but do ensure you discuss this with their doctor first and ensure you’re buying CBD from a trusted and reputable UK supplier.

Can you give CBD to dogs or cats?

Many of our customers do you use CBD for their pets and report back possitive results, but we must stipulate that it is entirely up to you as the British Veterinary Association do not formally promote its use. 

You can read our blog on this topic here.

Are there any side-effects to taking CBD?

You may experience some minor effects of dehydration, so drink plenty of water. This is associated with dexification, also known as ‘herxing’. You can also research independently ‘CBD herxing’.

One other less common side effect is increased anxiety. This is experienced for a short period of time and can be managed by increasing CBD dosage for 24 to 48 hours. Once the body has adjusted to the changes CBD is making to our regulatory system, the anxiety should decrease and things will settle back down.

CBD care & product issues
How best to store CBD?
We suggest all CBD products are kept in a cool dark space, like a cupboard. Do not refrigerate.
My CBD bottle is leaking?
You need to keep the head of the bottles clean. The oil can act as a lubricant on the threads and this vacuum stops the lid properly sealing tight.

If you still have issues, please get in touch and we will arrange a replacement.

CBD oil won’t come out of the dispenser…

Tips for unblocking the CBD oils with spray tops:

When you first open your bottle, hold it over a sink and give it a few pumps/sprays. This gets it going. If the oil doesn’t come out at any point of using it, it could be due to the sediment in the oil blocking the nozzle or if it has got cold it can solidify.

This is why you should always shake the bottle before use and not store in a cold place. To free up the nozzle, unscrew the top and pump warm water through until it runs through OK. If solidified, get the bottle warm with hot water or on a radiator and this should get it going again.

Tips for using the 8% CBD Shots pen:

It will take a few pumps to push the CBD paste through to the exit nozzle, so when you first use it, do this with caution.

If the pen stops dispensing CBD and you know it’s still full, there could be an air bubble blocking the exit. You’ll need to draw the air bubble through by sucking on the exit end of the pen, while pumping the CBD through.

Product specific questions
Why don’t you sell CBD vapes?

At the moment, we do not sell CBD Vape Oil. We don’t believe they are a safe, effective or economical way to take CBD.

Not all vape devices treat the CBD oil with the effectiveness or love that they should, so make sure you research well which device is best to use.

It’s also rare to get a full spectrum vape oil, most on the market are made with CBD isolate.

Where do you source your CBD?
Our CBD is organically grown on European farms. It is processed in the Netherlands.
CBD Patches – common questions
How do CBD patches work?

The Tonic CBD patches are a transdermal product, meaning they are developed in a way that CBD can penetrate through the skin and into the bloodstream. This targets deeper complaints rather than surface like a balm or cream. This is achieved by creating a formulation that contains ‘permeation enhancers’.

All transdermal patch drug delivery systems include a few basic components; backing, CBD isolate, membrane, adhesive and finally the liner.

Beyond the basics, things do become more complex, with the introduction of permeation enhancers, stabilisers, and packaging. To enable maximum transportation through the layers of the epidermis and into your bloodstream, we use CBD isolate rather than our usual full spectrum cbd oil. It’s our only product that is made from the 1 cannabinoid, cannabidiol – but that’s not to say it isn’t highly effective. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most prevalent and effective cannabinoid.

What are CBD patches good for?

The Tonic CBD patches have a high absorption rate as it bypasses the digestive system and is directed straight into the bloodstream. There are many benefits to having a steady stream of CBD entering your system over a 24 to 48 hour period of time, as opposed to 1 intense dose taken orally once or twice a day.

As well as the CBD working its usual magic, you can also target specific areas of the body that may be experiencing discomfort, by positioning the patch directly on it.

How long do patches last?
The cbd is gradually absorbed by the skin over a 24 to 36 hour period, so you’ll benefit from the effects all day and night.
What's the strength?

We do 2 different strengths – 15mg CBD patches and high strength 30mg CBD patches. Each pack contains 30x 15mg or 30mg CBD topical patches. Each CBD patch contains CBD from organically cultivated hemp and 0% thc.

Are CBD patches organic?

All our CBD is produced from organically grown Cannabis Sativa l plant, so the pure CBD isolate used in our patches is organic.

Do CBD patches work for pain?
Applying a cbd patch directly to a troubled area of the body can give almost immediate relief for the rest of the day and night. Our customers taking CBD for fibromyalgia, ME, MS and other conditions that have associated pain benefit from our CBD patches…

“I found the cbd patches amazing for a few reasons – they almost completely stopped my neuropathic pain; they reduced my anxiety, and I slept better than I have for ages. As someone with ms, effective pain management is vital for me, as is getting good sleep. and as someone who experiences a lot of anxiety, reducing this really improved my wellbeing. there was no grogginess, i felt calm, but focused. delighted to have been a guinea pig to try these out!” – Darleen

Are CBD patches good for sleep?

CBD has built up a reputation for being effective for deepening sleep. CBD patches are no different, as the CBD calms the nervous system and in turn calms a busy mind.

“After the first week, I asked my husband whether he had noticed any changes in me, and he bravely said he had thought I was calmer and seemed less stressed generally. And a friend told me I seemed more chilled, more fun! Could be a combination of circumstances changing, but I certainly feel more “me”. By the middle of the 2nd week, I felt more energised and alert, was sleeping better and had already ordered the patches once they are released! Thank you for the opportunity to review this exciting new product and I look forward to using them as part of my routine!” – Natalie

Can CBD patches work on back pain?

CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory as well as regulating pain percecption. “Most of my pain in my back was at night time when lying down, so I put the patch on around 9pm and would keep it on for 24-30 hours, it lessened my pain so much – sometimes completely, which is amazing! The great thing about the patches is you can put them most places on your body and they are very discreet. They last up to 48 hours and they work so well on muscular issues. I think the patches are a great product. I will definitely continue to use them!” – Terri Anne

CBD patches and stress
“I’ve now worn these cbd patches for over a week. The biggest difference I noticed was this: most of my working life often feels like a sprint to meet daily deadlines, so these patches really took the edge off and helped me tend to my workload with a more measured, calm and thoughtful approach. They also allowed me to drop more seamlessly into my meditation and yoga practice on a deeper level making for a more enriching experience.” – Gabriella
Where can I buy CBD patches online?

You can buy CBD from our website here.

Are CBD patches legal?

Taking CBD via this transdermal method is legal. The Tonic CBD patches contain no THC, the controlled substance in the uk.

Can you take Ibuprofen with CBD or CBD patches?

We always recommend you speak with your doctor before taking CBD if you are taking other medication or have any health concerns. With non-prescription medicine like Ibuprofen, we suggest leaving a 2 hour window before taking your CBD. There are no reported contraindications, but please do talk with a medical expert first.

CBD Tea – common questions
What is CBD tea?
There are 2 kinds of CBD tea on the market. One is Cannabis leaves and (sometimes) flowers dried and ground and presented either loose or in tea bags. The other type, which is very rare to find indeed, is the type we make: real flavoured teas absorbed in Full Spectrum Water Soluble CBD.

The former has a very grassy taste and carries a small amount of CBD and in some cases THC as well – it is a contentious issue as some brands are using CBD Tea as a way to sell weed for people to smoke, so do make sure you’re buying this type of tea from a respected and reliable source!

What's the difference between CBD tea and hemp tea?
There are different types of CBD tea on the market so it is good to know what they are. Hemp tea is made from either hemp seeds (which contain almost no CBD) or ground hemp leaves and flowers. The latter tastes very grassy and contains a small amount of CBD. CBD Infused tea is very different. It’s tea soaked in CBD oil. The only problem here can be that the absorption rate of regular CBD oil when ingested is reduced to around 4% to 20%. Our CBD tea is different again – the teas are soaked in our Full Spectrum Water Soluble CBD which is designed to be ingested and retains its 100% absorption rate no matter how you take it, even in tea!
CBD tea in tea bags
We used to offer our CBD tea in tea bags, but to get maximum infusion of CBD and flavour into your drink, the best tea bags are the pyramid ones, and sadly the only ones we could get our hands on were made from nylon, which is a micro-plastic and so not good for the environment. So we’ve opted for loose tea. The other benefit of loose tea, other than being nicer to the environment, is that you can adjust your tea portion and therefore CBD dosage to suit your needs.
Can you put CBD into hot water?
Regular CBD Oil, i.e. CBD oil diluted in hemp seed oil or an MCT like coconut oil, is best taken sublingually (under the tongue). This allows for maximum intake of CBD directly into the bloodstream, avoiding the digestive system. If regular CBD oils are ingested, the absorption of CBD is significantly reduced and only 4% to 20% of the CBD is absorbed.

This is why we designed our Water Soluble Full Spectrum CBD – it is specially formulated to be absorbed through ingestion and the absorption rate is almost 100%, no matter how you take it – hot or cold food or drink.

There is one benefit to heating up CBD that is worth mentioning here, it can trigger a process called Decarboxylation, it’s like an ignition of the cannabinoids and can make them more effective!

What are the benefits of CBD tea?
CBD tea benefits are the same as taking CBD in other forms like the oral oils or patches or gummies. The most commonly experienced benefits are deeper sleep, sense of calm and easing of discomfort throughout the body. CBD tea does have additional benefits; it’s an easy way to take CBD, you get to have a luxurious, calming cuppa any time of day and you get to enjoy the amazing flavours of tea we have created for you!
Is CBD tea good for sleep?
Taking CBD tea for sleep, anxiety and pain relief are the most common reasons people start their CBD journey. And CBD tea is no different…so long as you buy from a reputable brand and ensure the CBD content and absorption rate is of the highest efficacy, you can’t go wrong.
Can CBD tea help with weight loss?
We won’t make any claims about our CBD Tea helping with weight loss, but you can research for yourself the effects CBD can have on regulating appetite and also on reducing stress, which is a common factor in instigating over-eating/comfort eating. I know from personal experience!
Is CBD tea good for anxiety?

We have 5 different flavours and they range from caffeine free (Fruit Explosion) to Intense Flavour with high caffeine content with Black Mango (black tea with real mango, lime and lemongrass). If you’re sensitive to caffeine and find it can over stimulate, and in turn increase a sense of anxiety, we suggest the Fruit Explosion or the Cleansing Blossom (a white tea, which is naturally low in caffeine). But because all our teas contain 5mg of Water Soluble Full Spectrum CBD, you’ll get the usual benefits of CBD in every cup – one of which is a calmer nervous system and steady mind

What are the effects of CBD Tea?
Taking The Tonic’s CBD tea will give you the same positive effects you’d expect from any good quality, full spectrum CBD product. But we urge you to ensure that if you are not buying our CBD Tea, that you check with the company on how it is made, what it is made from and whether the levels of THC are within the UK legal limits. I urge this because there are some products on the market that are advertised as ‘CBD Tea’ but are in fact ground up cannabis intended for smoking.
CBD for sale in UK?
Here’s our entire range of CBD Tea – 5 different flavours with our delicious, natural ingredients and varying degrees of caffeine and nuanced effects. Get 10% off your first purchase, as well as a FREE reusable cotton tea bag.
What's the best way to drink CBD tea?
We advise you to infuse CBD for at least 5 minutes, ideally 10, to get the full flavour and CBD content into your drink. Personally, I prefer using a caffetiere or ‘plunger’ so I can keep pumping the plunger to get as much air into it which increases flavour, but also pounds the CBD out of the tea.

You can use an infuser too which is great for a 1 cup portion. Tea Pot Infusers are also perfect.

Each Tonic Tea product states how much you need for 1 portion, and there are 20 portions in a pouch. We ensure 5mg of CBD per portion, which sounds like a low amount, but because we are our Water Soluble Full Spectrum CBD the CBD absorption is almost 100%, unlike regular CBD oils, so 5mg of this is the equivalent of 10mg of regular CBD oil taken sublingually.

Can CBD tea lower blood pressure?
We cannot make medical claims to this effects, but if you Google the effects of CBD, you will find that it has been proven to help.

A 2020 study found that CBD may have vasodilatory effects in human and rat arteries showing CBD may improve flow because it widens blood vessels.

2017 study found that it lowered blood pressure in individuals at rest and those under stress.

The main reason it can help is by reducing stress. American Institute of Stress, stress may cause blood pressure to rise.

Can you get an allergic reaction to CBD tea?
There has been no reported evidence of anyone being allergic to CBD, but in regards to CBD tea, always check the ingredients and see if there is anything you may react with, e.g. our Fruit Explosion CBD Tea contains organic;

Grapes, Hibiscus, Banana*, Licorice, Orange Peel, Yellow Marigold, Cinnamon Sticks, Apricot, The Tonic’s Water-Soluble full spectrum hemp extract* (Water, Curcumin, Vegetable Glycerin, Triglycerides, Mycreen, Caryophyllene, Limolene, Pinene, Linalool, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate).

You can check out the ingredients of each CBD tea in every product page.

Can I smoke CBD tea?
You cannot smoke our CBD tea, it is intended to be taken as any other kind of tea – infused in hot water. There are brands selling cannabis to smoke disguised as CBD tea, so beware of this!
CBD for specific health issues
CBD oil for Fibromyalgia
One of our customers reviewed our CBD: “I take CBD to help me with the symptoms of fibromyalgia, there are many that come with fibromyalgia, but the predominant ones are pain and fatigue. It helps me with sleep, pain and anxiety. It’s changed things for me so much so I’m a huge advocate for its benefits and am always recommending it to friends, family and colleagues!”
CBD oil dosage for anxiety
Dosage really does differ from person to person. A good amount to start with is 6 to 12mg a day, and continue this for a few days until you feel comfortable increasing the dose a little if you feel you need to.
There are some very rare instances of CBD oil over stimulating and increasing anxiety, but this is not only very rare, it is also easily tackled by increasing the CBD dose for a short period of time until things settle. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s worked well in the few instances we have encountered.
CBD oil for autism
There are people taking CBD oil to help with some of the symptoms of autism, like anxiety, but we would always recommend you consult your doctor and do some independent research on the internet first.
CBD oil for arthritis
CBD has proved to be a natural anti-inflammatory, and the cannabis plant even contains compounds like Curcumin which is present in Turmeric. Taking it orally gets it in your bloodstream fast for quick relief. You can apply topical CBD like balms and creams, but we also do CBD Patches. Preclinical studies have shown transdermal application of low dose CBD (only 6.2mg per day) reduced knee-joint swelling in arthritic mice. This was observed to provide better absorption than oral administration in the same model. Better still, transdermal patches are thought to prolong the effects of many pharmacological drugs while avoiding fluctuations of drug levels, and there’s no reason to think the same wouldn’t apply to a CBD patch.
CBD oil for migraines

We cannot say for certain that CBD helps with any medical conditions, including migraine, but it is a very common reason that people take it. It could be that stress triggers a migraine, and so one will benefit from the calming effects of CBD. Migraines are still quite an unknown in the medical world and as ever, we will suggest you consult a doctor before embarking on CBD to treat a medical condition.

CBD oil for epilepsy
You will have read a lot in the press about parents fighting for the right to access Cannabis Oil for children with Epilepsy. It’s the THC in the cannabis plant that has the best effect on muscle spasms, and this is why there’s such controversy over it. THC is the controlled compound in Cannabis making it illegal. Unless you can access Epidolex through your GP, then an alternative would be CBD Oil, although be aware that the THC levels will be ‘trace’ amounts and below the legal limit.
CBD oil for parkinson's
We cannot legally say that CBD can help with Parkinson’s. We do have customers buying it for themselves and believe it alleviates some of their symptoms, but do speak with your doctor first.
CBD oil for back pain?
CBD has been reported to help with back pain, as well as pain around the body. It’s a great natural anti-inflammatory, so taking it orally will get it into the bloodstream to all the areas that need it. You can also apply CBD patches to back pain, where it slowly releases a steady stream of CBD directly to that area for fast acting and long lasting pain relief. Or you could try a topical CBD like CBD Massage oil. In a clinical trial on back pain, published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, 24 adults were treated with 30 minutes of massage therapy, twice a week for five weeks. As well as experiencing improved mobility and less pain overall, the results also showed that all participants had raised serotonin and dopamine levels. Throwing some CBD into the mix will support that boost and, as a result, make the therapeutic benefits all the more powerful.
CBD oil for depression
Anecdotally, millions of people say CBD products help them enormously when it comes to depression and keeping stress and anxiety under control. Many even claim they use CBD oil or CBD Patches to treat anxiety, or they use CBD Oil for depression, sometimes even replacing prescription medications.
CBD oil for sleep
We would recommend taking an oral CBD for the most effective result on sleep. In this page you can see our full Oral CBD Range, all will help with sleep by calming the nervous system and regulating cortisol levels. Always start with 1 or 2 doses (e.g. 6 to 24 mg CBD), as close to your sleep time as you can. If you regularly wake in the night, which is very common due to our circadian rhythm, take another dose as soon as you wake and you’ll find you can drift back off to sleep a lot quicker than usual.
CBD oil for pain relief
It is a common reason that people take CBD for pain relief. We cannot say it does help with pain as CBD is intended as a health supplement and not a treatment for medical conditions. There is plenty of research out there to suggest CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory and it does contain the terpene Curcumin which is also found in Turmeric, as well as many other anti-inflammatory terpenes which is why you will always benefit more from full spectrum CBD than isolates.

Shipping, payment & missing parcels

Where is my order?

All our packages are sent out by Royal Mail tracked and signed service.

If you selected a Track and Sign option for delivery, your order completion email will carry the tracking number which you can click on. With Royal Mail, the tracking will only update once a delivery has been attempted or successfully delivered.

In the unlikely event that your order doesn’t arrive within 14 working days from despatch, please contact us via email or telephone and we will get straight on replacing your missing product.

Is CBD legal in the UK and Europe?

Yes! The Tonic’s CBD comes from cannabis sativa L plants grown legally on farms in the European Union. CBD is legal to buy throughout most of Europe.

In other parts of the world the law can be less liberal.

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship to all countries across the world, with exception to those countries that are yet to legalise CBD. We cannot process card payments online for countries outside the UK, but you can select to ‘pay by direct bank transfer’ at the checkout.

Contact Us

How can I contact you?
You can contact us via email to hello@thetonictribe.com or give us a call between daytime working hours 10 to 4 01422 844000
I have a certain medical condition, can you help?
We cannot advise on medical conditions and always recommend you consult your doctor before taking CBD
How do I book a free CBD consultation?