Life in our modern times can be difficult and cause us many worries. Without doubt, there can be genuine reasons for us to feel unease and anxiety is often a perfectly natural reaction to certain situations. But sometimes these feelings can take over, become overwhelming and be out of proportion to what is happening around us. Unless kept in check, anxiety can start to affect our daily lives, our relationships and our effectiveness to function to the best of our ability, so it’s important that if we do experience anxiety, we get help.
We asked our customers to share their experience of how CBD oil products have helped them control anxiety and bring some calm and balance back to their lives. We are so grateful to them and we hope it inspires others looking for a natural remedy.

3% CBD enhanced CBD oil
Louise writes;
“I’d always been interested in CBD and the benefits, especially after suffering from anxiety all my life. If there’s nothing to worry about, I’d find something!
I tried a couple of different brands but didn’t feel any benefits. About 3 years ago, I suffered from a horrific pain in my jaw, to the point where 111 advised me to go to emergency care as they were concerned it was a symptom of a possible heart attack. I was diagnosed with TMJ disorder, caused by clenching my teeth so hard from anxiety, so hard that I fractured a tooth! I was on The highest amount of codeine and ibroprofen together for over 2 weeks.
I met Kate at a similar time (Grandpa Colin’s birthday!) and messaged her to ask what you recommended. I started with the 3% CBG Enhanced CBD Oil. It took a while to build up in my system but after a while I realised I wasn’t waking up feeling like I’d gone ten rounds with Tyson! Then the dull ache that impacted my every day started to ease.
I continued taking it, sometimes switching up to 8% Classic CBD Oil.
Lockdown happened and my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My worst nightmare. The worry I had had ever since I was a child. I work in a school and was given leave. I went back to work in the September, with the CBD oil, and a patch on my shoulder. I faced life again.
Lockdown came again. My mum deteriorated and passed away in November. It was the darkest and lowest I’ve ever been. I’d bought her the 25% Full Spectrum CBD Oil but she never had chance to take it. So I did. At the funeral, I had a CBD Patch on my shoulder again and had taken the 25%. I believe it got me through. I didn’t feel numb, but I wasn’t struggling to breathe from a panic attack.
I wouldn’t know how I would have dealt with things if I hadn’t had the CBD. But I wasn’t willing to try. Someone asked me recently if I was worried I may have to take it for the rest of my life. I said absolutely not. It is just like taking a multivitamin to me. It helps my mental well-being as well as helping some physical pain.”
Thank you Louise, such a challenging time and we’re so happy for you that CBD has helped.

CBD comes in many forms, full spectrum CBD infused tea’s are a wonderful introduction to CBD
“I’ve recently come off anti depressants. I was on them for a number of years and have tried lots to help with the withdrawal process. CBD is the only thing that has helped me sleep. Without sleep my anxiety and stress levels were getting really bad again. I wouldn’t know how I would have dealt with things if I hadn’t had the CBD. But I wasn’t willing to try. Someone asked me recently if I was worried I may have to take it for the rest of my life. I said absolutely not. It is just like taking a multivitamin to me. It helps my mental well-being as well as helping some physical pain.”
Thank you Louise, such a challenging time and we’re so happy for you that CBD has helped.
This next testimonial is from a regular customer who chooses to remain anonymous. But her story is one we hear from many customers trying to come off anti depressants with the help of CBD, a natural option…
“I’ve recently come off anti depressants. I was on them for a number of years and have tried lots to help with the withdrawal process. CBD is the only thing that has helped me sleep. Without sleep my anxiety and stress levels were getting really bad again.”
Here’s a selection of our favourite testimonials from Trust Pilot:
“I have been using CBD products for five years and the Tonic Tribe 8% CBD is the best I have come across by a long way for a like for like equivalent. I’ve been using it for anxiety and for calming the crazy night sweats etc that come with menopause.” Martha
“One delivery in and I love The Tonic and would highly recommend their products. I bought the 4% water soluble and the cleansing blossom tea, which is delicious and soothing. Both products are helping take the edge off my anxiety and helping me sleep better. Even my sceptical partner who has been very stressed out with work says that they are definitely helping him too. Everything about the Tonic, including their packaging and handwritten note, shows caring and quality, and I feel very lucky to have found them” Fiona
“WOW!! After being recommended to the tonic tribe I was a little sceptical but, these products are truly amazing, after suffering from anxiety for some years I was willing to try anything, along with the tools I learned from CBT, and a little shot of 8%water soluble CBD, my thoughts are definitely more realistic, the serum helps with my painful knees and I love to end my day with a cup of the CBD tea, such kind and honest girls who are always in hand to help with any questions I may have, just can’t rate this company enough” Debs
“The Tonic products are outstanding quality as is the customer care, second to none. I use a variety of the products, 8% water soluble to help with general anxiety, low mood and to help dropping off to sleep. I use the CBD patches for localised lower back pain — it’s been particularly bad just recently. And I regularly enjoy a cup of CBD tea — as a treat and again to help with mood issues. All the items I use work really well — they have made such a difference to the quality of my life and I now class them as essential to day-to-day living. Don’t know how I managed before. Oh and friends and family are also jumping on the wagon. My eldest brother uses the 8% water soluble in herbal tea in the evening — its helped him vastly reduce his alcohol consumption, my sister-in-law uses the tea to help with anxiety, another sister-in-law is using the 3%CBG to help with an essential tremor she’s developed, and my best pal, uses the bath bombs and patches for plantar fasciitis, she’s a serious runner and she is amazed at how much the CBD helps.” Liz
It may seem that sometimes our anxiety has taken on a life of its own and we are helpless to bring it under control. Please remember, you are not on your own and there is help at hand. If you’d like to get in touch, we are more than happy to help.

Book a free CBD consultation with Kate, our expert, to ensure you’re making an informed decision that’s right for you