Just like the cannabis from which our CBD oil is derived, massage and its therapeutic use has been a part of human life for thousands of years. Incredibly, the earliest documentation of massage dates way back to 3000BC, when it was used as an integral part of the sacred system of Ayurveda – something that is still practiced by many people today, to regain and maintain balance both in body and mind.
This again is shared in the inner workings of CBD, which works in harmony with our in-built homeostatic regulator, the Endocannabinoid system, to ensure equilibrium is restored in what ever way is needed.
With this in mind, it’s apparent that on the surface CBD oil and massage make the perfect match. But if we look a little deeper we’ll see that the reasons for this are more impressive still.
Can CBD oil improve a massage?
Most forms of massage require some sort of oil or lotion, to help hands glide easily over tense muscles, without dragging the skin. But unlike many other massage oils, which are simply there to make things slippery, CBD massage oil may actually play an important role in accentuating the benefits of massage too.
Our skin is permeable, meaning that much of what goes on goes it – particularly if what is going on contains permeation enhancers. As it so happens, many of the terpenes (aromatic compounds) in cannabis act as natural permeation enhancers, which is one of the reasons why CBD topicals, like oils, lotions and balms, can be very effective at targeting internal points as well as external.
Making CBD massage oil your product of choice for massage therapy means that as your muscles are pummelled and knots are released, certain other things are released in unison to help aid the process, like our endocannabinoids: neurotransmitters produced to activate the endocannabinoid system.
Thanks to the cannabinoids in CBD massage oil, which support the endocannabinoid system, these will now coursing round your bloodstream, binding with receptors in the brain to reduce stress, and receptors in your muscles and joints to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms – something that also happens naturally as a result of massage, for a double whammy.
Massage, CBD and Serotonin
In addition to supporting the synthesis and release of endocannabinoids, CBD (the most abundant cannabinoid in CBD oil) also directly activates a number of other receptors, for a wide range of remarkable actions.
Perhaps most impressively, this includes our serotonin receptors which, when activated, produces serotonin neurotransmitters that play a vital role in a huge variety of bodily processes, such as digestion, mood, pain, sexual function and many, many others.
Just as with endocannabinoids, serotonin levels are naturally elevated during massage. In a clinical trial on back pain, published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, 24 adults were treated with 30 minutes of massage therapy, twice a week for five weeks. As well as experiencing improved mobility and less pain overall, the results also showed that all participants had raised serotonin and dopamine levels. Throwing some CBD into the mix will support that boost and, as a result, make the therapeutic benefits all the more powerful.

World reknowned yoga teacher, Zephyr Wildman, collaborated with us to create this wonderful massage oil, infused with CBD, rosemary, black pepper and peppermint
Massaging to reduce pain
It’s probably fair to say that most people needing a massage are in some sort of pain, and reducing that discomfort is the aim.
Boosting serotonin and endocannabinoid levels both help with this, and so does the activation of yet another receptor: The vanilloid (capsaicin) receptor, which plays a key role in pain sensation and inflammation. It may come as no great surprise, now that you’re getting an idea of just how broad the mechanisms of CBD really are, that this wonderful little cannabinoid also directly activates these receptors.
Unlike the other pathways mentioned here, the activation of vanilloid receptors actually occurs to alert the body to pain – effectively causing the pain signals to reach the brain. This may not sound great for mitigating muscle soreness, but over the years many medical researchers have discovered that by continuously activating these receptors, as with regular CBD use, we can actually become desensitised (to some degree) to pain. So much so, that capsaicin (a chemical compound isolated from chilli peppers), which can also be used to trigger these receptors, has been successfully used in the form of a nasal spray, for the management of chronic pain!
As you can imagine, this is far from a pleasant experience. A CBD enhanced massage, on the other hand? A considerably better choice.
Our 2 CBD Infused Arnica Massage Oils: The Tonic CBD Massage Oil and 0,5% Muscle Recovery CBD Massage Oil are so popular so we think you should try the unique element of synergy of CBD oil brings to your body, and the treatment as a whole.
CBD massage oil is massage oils that have been infused with CBD. The infusion can be CBD isolate, broad spectrum oil or full spectrum oil (the latter being the best quality). You can infuse any massage oil with CBD. A good % of CBD to carrying oil ratio is 0.5%. This means there is 50mg of CBD to every 10ml of carrying oil. Our 100ml bottles of CBD infused massage oil carry 500mg of CBD. We believe this to be a very effective amount for most ailments one would want a massage for.
Massaging the body when there is unease, like after doing sports or exercise or after injury or from ailments, is soothing and encourages blood flow to the area which increases the opportunity for repair and and recovery. Using a massage oil infused with CBD increases the benefits greatly as you bring into play all the common benefits CBD provides.
The benefits of CBD massage oil are plenty, from healthy skin to easing aches and reducing inflammation. Our CBD massage oil is also infused with Arnica oil which is known to help with bruising too.
Making CBD massage oil your product of choice for massage therapy with CBD massage oil means that as your muscles are pummelled and knots are released, certain other things are released in unison to help aid the process, like our endocannabinoids: neurotransmitters produced to activate the endocannabinoid system.
Our skin is permeable, meaning that much of what goes on goes it – particularly if what is going on contains permeation enhancers. As it so happens, many of the terpenes (aromatic compounds) in cannabis act as natural permeation enhancers, which is one of the reasons why CBD topicals, like oils, lotions and balms, can be very effective at targeting internal points as well as external.
Thanks to the cannabinoids in CBD massage oil, which support the endocannabinoid system, these will now travel round your bloodstream, binding with receptors in the brain to reduce stress, and receptors in your muscles and joints to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms – something that also happens naturally as a result of massage, for a double whammy.
If you are a massage professional and would like to include either of our 2 CBD Infused Arnica Massage Oils to your repertoire, then get in touch. We have many therapists successfully using our soothing ginger, sandalwood and orange scented Muscle Recovery CBD Massage Oil and the rather spectacular Zephyr Wildman inspired Massage Oil with Eucalyptus, Pine, Peppermint, Lavender, Black Pepper and rosemary essential oils. The CBD adds some luxury to the experience as well as increases its therapeutic properties.
Any organic and CO2 extracted full spectrum oral CBD oil can be added to coconut, hemp seed or olive oil to make a wonderful massage oil. Try and avoid CBD oils that have been extracted using solvents like alcohol and ensure it’s organically grown. If you buy our 25% or 8% Classic CBD oils, you can add a few drops of either of these to your moisturiser too to increase the cream’s anti-aging, hydrating and flora-balancing properties. Cool huh?!
Right here! We have 2 different types of CBD Infused Massage Oil; Muscle Recovery with Arnica and Sandalwood and our collaboration in restoration with Zephyr Wildman – Rosemary Pine Eucalyptus and Black Pepper with arnica.
Our CBD Massage Oil is Sunflower Oil infused with CBD and Arnica Oil. You don’t need much CBD or arnica to create an effective massage oil and it would prove rather expensive if you used pure CBD. Our CBD infused massage oils carry 500mg of full spectrum CBD in 100ml of carrying and essential oils. This is the perfect amount we feel.
It’s a common belief that CBD can relieve us of pain. We cannot say for sure for legal reasons, but if you have a look at our Trustpilot page of reviews on our product pages, you’ll see what our customers have to say! And it’s all good. You can read our blog on CBD massage and how it works too.
Our CBD Massage Oil has nothing but great reviews!
“I broke my ankle five years ago & have subsequently had four operations. The issues I suffered on a daily basis had become part of life & something I thought I would have to endure long term. That is before I discovered The Tonic CBD Infused massage oil. I apply it in the morning & at night & I can honestly say it has been transformative! Thank-you Tonic Tribe…you have literally changed my life!” – NOELINE
“I ordered the CBD Infused Massage oil for my back and my daughter’s sports injuries. It arrived quickly (very reasonable delivery cost) and securely packaged with a handwritten note and the oil is AMAZING! It worked right away on me, muscles relaxed and the back issues dispersed. I used it on a couple of my friends to see if I’m imagining the result and both had the same result as me and ordered some for themselves and family. The oil smells nice and not greasy. It’s a really good quality product. I love it and so glad I found them. Highly recommend!” – M WILTSHIRE
All our CBD products are organic – the cannabis is grown organically, outside open to the elements, in Europe and the carrying oil is organic hemp seed oil. Our organic massage oil is no different and all the ingredients are organic – from the essential oils to the sunflower and arnica oils. Never compromise when it comes to the planet and yourself.
The benefits of CBD massage oil are plenty, from healthy skin to easing aches and reducing inflammation. Our CBD massage oil is also infused with Arnica oil which is known to help with bruising too. Massaging the body when there is unease, like after doing sports or exercise or after injury or from ailments, is soothing and encourages blood flow to the area which increases the opportunity for repair and and recovery. Using a massage oil infused with CBD increases the benefits greatly as you bring into play all the common benefits CBD provides.
You can use CBD massage oil for soothing joints and muscles, easing aches, encouraging blood flow and getting the lymphatic system moving. Because CBD helps regulate the sebaceous oil producing glands and balance the natural flora of the skin, massaging with CBD infused massage oil can also benefit healthy skin.
The best CBD massage oils are those that are not only made with full spectrum CBD, but are also organic and use a CBD that is extracted in the most clean and effective method – which is CO2 extracted. Both of our CBD massage oils are made entirely from organic ingredients and our CBD is always organically grown and CO2 extracted. We’re generous with our CBD content and the 100ml Massage Oil bottles contain 500mg of CBD each.
Using massage as a remedy for pain is very common. Massaging the body when there is unease, like after doing sports or exercise or after injury or from ailments, is soothing and encourages blood flow to the area which increases the opportunity for repair and and recovery. Using a massage oil infused with CBD increases the benefits greatly as you bring into play all the common benefits CBD provides.
Many forms of massage bring therapeutic benefit and adding CBD to massage can only increase those benefits. CBD will increase the anti-inflammatory properties of a regular massage oil as well as promote healthy skin, ease aches and pains.
Our skin is permeable, meaning that much of what goes on goes it – particularly if what is going on contains permeation enhancers. As it so happens, many of the terpenes (aromatic compounds) in cannabis act as natural permeation enhancers, which is one of the reasons why CBD topicals, like oils, lotions and balms, can be very effective at targeting internal points as well as external.
Making CBD massage oil your product of choice for massage therapy means that as your muscles are pummelled and knots are released, certain other things are released in unison to help aid the process, like our endocannabinoids: neurotransmitters produced to activate the endocannabinoid system.
Thanks to the cannabinoids in CBD massage oil, which support the endocannabinoid system, these will now coursing round your bloodstream, binding with receptors in the brain to reduce stress, and receptors in your muscles and joints to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms – something that also happens naturally as a result of massage, for a double whammy.
You can read our blog on CBD massage and how it works too. We cover how CBD massage oil affects the endocannabinoid system and how it can promote better health. It’s a common belief that CBD can relieve us of pain as well as reduce inflammation, promote healthy skin when applied topically. We cannot say for sure for legal reasons, but if you have a look at our Trustpilot page of reviews on our product pages, you’ll see what our customers have to say…it’s all good.
Depending on the selection of essential oils chosen to accompany a CBD massage oil, does depend on how it feels on the skin. For example, our Massage Oil with Pine, Eucaplyptus, Peppermint and Black Pepper brings a lovely tingly sensation to the skin which encourages stimulation of the venous system as well as lymphatic system, increasing circulation and therefore repair as well as reduction in inflammation. CBD alone won’t make you feel an instant change or tingle on your skin , but don’t think it is not working its magic. When applied to the skin, CBD balances the skin’s natural flora and sebaceous oil production. CBD also penetrates the skin and is absorbed into the deeper subcutaneous layers of skin and soft tissue like muscles and even joints, where it can reduce inflammation and ease pain. And not only that, any CBD that enters the bloodstream will calm the nervous system and create a general sense of wellbeing.
We offer wholesale on all our CBD products – you can register to become a wholesaler and we’ll send you the full brochure of what we offer and what you can expect from us alongside our premium products. Our CBD Massage oil is available for wholesale – peruse both our products here