Here’s 5 top tips on how to get the most out of your CBD…

Don’t waste a drop of your CBD with our Tonic top tips!
I was prompted to write this for two reasons. One was seeing more and more brands suggesting you put their CBD Oil in smoothies and coffee; the other was being asked “What’s the deal with clear CBD oil”?
So to tackle these issues, here’s some Tonic top tips!
1: Can I add CBD oil to smoothies or coffee?
There are 2 types of CBD that can be ingested and retain their *100% CBD absorption. Our Water-soluble full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. If you add classic or regular CBD oil to food or drink, even CBD in MCT Oils (i.e. coconut oil), the absorption rate is 4% to 20%. If you do want to add your CBD oil to food, mix it with naturally oily ingredients like avocado or olive oil to increase bio-availability. (* it’s more like 99.98%)
2: How do I get the most of out of CBD oil taken orally?
Taking regular CBD oil sublingually (under the tongue) is the most effective way to get the CBD into your bloodstream, via your sublingual membrane. Take just 1 or 2 sprays/drops at a time to ensure maximum absorption. Any more than this and saliva will wash it down before you’ve had chance to absorb it. If you need to take more, do it in stages. Hold for up to 2 minutes ideally.
3. I bought CBD oil and it was clear – why?
It’s not full spectrum CBD, that’s all. If you’ve had our oils you’ll know they are all very dark in colour (the classic oil and the water soluble). This is because they are what’s called ‘full spectrum’ – made from the whole plant, tip to roots – to ensure they are as close to the natural plant as possible, and not filtered down to ensure it carries as many cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other good compounds for the best effect. It’s always very dark in colour, strong in taste and golden brown. All of which intensify when the concentration is increased.
Broad Spectrum CBD oil is the next quality level down – it’s made from parts of the plant and is heavily refined to remove THC, but in turn many other cannabinoids too. It will be a paler brown in colour, less strong in flavour, but less effective than full spectrum.
CBD Isolate is sometimes known as pure CBD. It’s the one main cannabinoid, Cannabidiol, extracted from the oil extract, and does not contain any other cannabinoids or other naturally occurring compounds. It’s a dry, powdery form which mixes well with liquids, unlike regular oils. In this dry state it has 100% bio-availability. We use it to make our CBD patches and you’ll find it in CBD drinks. I have seen some top brands offering flavoured CBD oil which is clear – looking at their lab reports it turns out they are mixing CBD Isolate with an MCT like coconut) oil. I don’t see the point of this really – CBD Isolate itself can be ingested and, as I’ve just noted, in its powdered form is 100% absorbent. To then mix it with an oil makes it harder for the body to absorb, and so you need to take it sublingually and therefore reducing the absorption rate to 50% to 80%.
CBD Isolate and Broad Spectrum CBD are still effective, of course, and make for an affordable alternative to full spectrum, but if you’re paying good money, you deserve the best.

Full spectrum CBD oil is the best quality you will find, with greater efficacy than sub-standard options
4. I bought some oil to take orally, but can I use it topically?
Yes! Turn your CBD Oil into a 2-in-1. Any CBD oil which is mixed with a carrying oil like hemp seed oil (as ours is), olive oil or an MCT oil like coconut oil, can be rubbed into areas of the body requiring some extra attention. For small areas apply neat, for larger areas, mix a spray/drop or two in some coconut oil or your favourite moisturiser and rub it in.
It can help with skin issues, muscle and joint aches and healing wounds. Saves you buying multiple products! (Side note, don’t do this with our water-soluble CBD, just the classic CBD and CBG oils – your skin is water proof and loves oils, but not our water-solubles).
5. I want to cook with CBD – any tips?
Yes! Adding CBD to food is great if you don’t like the taste or want to give it to children or someone who struggles holding oils under their tongue, or perhaps you just want to give your guests an extra treat!
- CBD compounds like heat, but don’t over heat – excessive exposure to heat can reduce the efficacy of the CBD, perhaps consider adding it afterwards like a dressing or mix in to hot food just before serving
- As I mentioned above, mix with oily foods to maximise bio-availability (absorption)
- Use our water-soluble CBD for the most cost effective method – it’s full spectrum AND 100% absorbent
I hope these tips help you get the most out of your CBD.